Add sustainability data for companies

Report Data


  1. Search / add name of the company that you’d like to add missing data for
  2. Upload a screenshot of revenue and emissions data and let AI fill the table – or add data manually if you prefer that
  3. Verify / adjust data in the tables
  4. Add name + email so we can get in touch for questions & verification (completely optional)
  5. Submit the data

1. Company name

2. Upload screenshot

To simplify adding data, drop a screenshot from an emissions report below, or click to select files.

Drag and drop a file here or click

Special instructions to the AI, like “Emissions are reported in millions of metric tons and needs to be converted” (optional).

3. Verify / Adjust / Add Data

Add or adjust data submitted by the AI image processing.

Net Revenue (millions)
Currency (e.g. USD)
Revenue Source
Emissions Details
Scope 1 Emissions (t CO₂e)
Scope 2 - Market Based
Scope 2 - Location Based
Scope 2 - Not specified
Scope 3 Emissions (t CO₂e)
1. Purchased goods and services
2. Capital goods
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities
4. Upstream transportation and distribution
5. Waste generated in operations
6. Business travel
7. Employee commuting
8. Upstream leased assets
9. Downstream transportation and distribution
10. Processing of sold products
11. Use of sold products
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products
13. Downstream leased assets
14. Franchises
15. Investments
Emission Source

Contact info

If you want, add your name and email so we can get in touch if we have any questions.

Submit data

When you feel ready, submit the data for review with the big purple “Submit Data” button. We review and publish data within 48 hours.

Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0