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Report Data


Read about how the data is submitted, sourced, calculated and reported.


Company carbon emissions are collected across Scope 1, 2, and 3, reflecting the operations and the supply chain of the companies in accordance with the GHG Protocol.

The data is sourced directly from the companies, obtained from their annual reports, sustainability reports, and websites.

Emissions are reported in terms of tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), covering all greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.


Revenue plays a crucial role in measuring emission intensity based on economic performance. It serves as a valuable benchmark, offering insights into the efficiency of emissions relative to the scale of economic activity.

Assessing emissions in relation to revenue allows us to understand how effectively a company manages its environmental impact while continuing to create economic value.

Emissions Intensity

Total emissions per revenue

Emission intensity, calculated as company emissions divided by revenues, indicates how efficiently a company manages its environmental impact relative to its economic activity.

A lower figure suggests lower emissions per unit of revenue. This metric helps assess whether companies are successfully decoupling economic growth from environmental harm.

Upstream (cradle-to-gate) emissions

The cradle-to-gate method for calculating emission intensity enables the generation of company-specific emissions intensity per monetary unit.

This allows other companies to compare different suppliers effectively or facilitate emission calculations through a spend-based approach.

By adopting this method, businesses can make more informed decisions and promote transparency in their supply chains.


Our database is fueled by sustainability enthusiasts who are passionate about promoting corporate transparency. The primary source of data is directly from companies, from their annual reports, sustainability reports, and websites.

Additionally, as an open-source platform, we’ve also collected data from similar open databases like the DI Climate Index and Marginal Carbon. This collaborative effort ensures comprehensive and reliable information for everyone.


Would you like to improve the data?

We invite you to be part of this open sustainability data platform. Whether you are an individual seeking to make a difference, a company aiming to disclose your commitment to a sustainable society, or a researcher in pursuit of the truth, our doors are open.

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