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Report Data


Postal Savings Bank Of China (PSBC)

Quick facts
Emissions (ton CO₂e)
Revenue (M USD)
Intensity (t CO₂e / M USD)

Ambition & Development

In 2022, Postal Savings Bank Of China (PSBC) reported a total of 214,017 ton CO₂e, and a net revenue of 82,510 M USD, resulting in a emissions intensity of 3 t CO₂e / M USD.


(No target data available)

Emissions, Revenue & Intensity

20212022020,00040,00060,00080,000100,000120,000140,000160,000180,000200,000220,000t CO₂010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,00070,00080,00090,000M USD

(No target data available to show graph)

Report missing data
Net Revenue (M USD)77,61082,510
Revenue Source
Emissions Overview20212022
Total Emissions - Market Based (t CO₂e)
Emissions Intensity (t CO₂e / M USD)23
Cradle-to-gate Intensity (t CO₂e / M USD)23
Emissions Details20212022
Scope 1 Emissions (t CO₂e)4,4244,851
Scope 2 Emissions (t CO₂e)
Scope 2 - Market Based
Scope 2 - Location Based
Scope 2 - Not specified175,105209,166
Scope 3 Emissions (t CO₂e)00
Upstream Emissions (t CO₂e)
1. Purchased goods and services
2. Capital goods
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities
4. Upstream transportation and distribution
5. Waste generated in operations
6. Business travel
7. Employee commuting
8. Upstream leased assets
Downstream Emissions (t CO₂e)
9. Downstream transportation and distribution
10. Processing of sold products
11. Use of sold products
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products
13. Downstream leased assets
14. Franchises
15. Investments
Total Emissions (t CO₂e)179,529214,017
Emission Source
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